Complex clock with many dials and hands

Quantity, not Quality, Time with the Muse

There is something to be said for just being there.

20 January 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence

Mythical Great Bay Province -- Yamabuki’s Home

In historic fiction, places and time spans might not be strictly correct, but most people who write in that genre attempt to have some sense of geography. The home of the Taka clan is a mythical province called Great Bay. As seen today, the area in and around the mythical Taka compound. As a novel of fiction, but based on a historic person and historic setting, this device allows enough artistic license for the Sword of the Taka Samurai to hopefully not become too didactic....

16 January 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence

High Altitude Coffee

Coffee roasted above 6,000+ feet has a specialness.

14 January 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence

S is for Shakespeare

My first experience with Shakespeare was a good one. It was Hamlet. As a fifth grader much of it was over my head, but the ghost carried the day. Black and White, the film adaptation starring Lawrence Olivier sparked my interest. Recently I ran across video about Shakespeare, the first having to do with original pronunciation (OP) and the seconds having to do with Shakespeare in Asia. Having grown up in the West in an English-speaking country, Shakespeare is expected....

24 April 2014 · Katherine M. Lawrence

J is for Journey

Life is a journey, not a destination. —Ralph Waldo Emerson A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. Joseph Campbell The journey of 1000 li begins beneath one’s feet. Lao Tsu And so, beneath my feet, the first words I write go down on the printed page:...

11 April 2014 · Katherine M. Lawrence