Global Cooling in the Time of Yamabuki
How come Yamabuki encounters so much cold?
How come Yamabuki encounters so much cold?
First Class Travel in the Days of Yamabuki
There were always six “hours” of daylight and six “hours” of night irrespective of the time of year.
Ever stare at the shelves at a bookstore or your own home library and think, “I wish there was a novel where the main character was [fill in the blank] and did [fill in the blank] but there’s no book like that. Hmmm. Why, in fact, if such a book existed, I would read it!” The next thing is the character takes shape in the person’s mind and the “adventures” of the character start to take form and soon you start writing the book you wished someone would write....
Many have searched for the ruins of the Taka compound that existed 850 years ago in ancient O-Utsumi prefecture–the alleged site is shown in this photo. But there is no trace of the clan. Not even the footings of the giant estate houses that overlook Great Bay. No trace of the gardens and orchards where Yamabuki and Nakagawa walked when the girl of eleven decided to follow the warrior’s path....