Cold Heart cover

Cold Heart Release

Cold Heart is with my editor, Laura Lis Scott, for final revisions. It is my longest Yamabuki book to date—longer than the first three combined—over 80,000 words long. The first chapter is succinct and sets the tone and premise: the supernatural—which Yamabuki of course scoffs at—will play a central role in this story, and as always, the theme that runs throughout all the Yamabuki stories, it is one of redemption....

23 December 2017 · Katherine M. Lawrence

Music to Write By. Samurai Stories

The soundtrack for Shogun Assassin is where my writing music started. Here Lone Wolf defeats three ninja women who are disguised as dancer acrobats in the circus de soleil of their day. Some writers like to immerse themselves in the place and setting of the action. We put on our music and takes us to another world. Music helps the author visualize place, mood and setting. And it is not just in samurai novels....

7 May 2016 · Katherine M. Lawrence

Dancing in Samurai Film

Painting the life of the common people in a world where the major daily chore was finding enough food, can lead readers to think they are indeed being presented with a bleak world. And yet, the Japanese culture has always been one of songs and dance and laughter. Some genre readers are excited by the swordplay, but wonder why the farmers (they are never called “peasants” in Yamabuki books) are included....

27 December 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence

Yamabuki's World -- 12th Century Japan

Yamabuki travels from the Taka compound to the capital of Heian-kyo.

22 December 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence

Archery and War

Hazard Sensei used to say that archery was the prefered method of fighting in old Japan. Swords were too personal. Too in close. Too involved with the opponent. Archery was “better.” In fact, the old Japanese root word for “war” is said to come from something approximate to “archery exchange.” As I draw to a close in my work on Cold Heart, I draw inspiration from a very nice video that resonates....

6 December 2015 · Katherine M. Lawrence