My historical fiction about a woman samurai who lived in ancient Japan and fought in the Genpei War.
My historical fiction about a woman samurai who lived in ancient Japan and fought in the Genpei War.
Ever stare at the shelves at a bookstore or your own home library and think, “I wish there was a novel where the main character was [fill in the blank] and did [fill in the blank] but there’s no book like that. Hmmm. Why, in fact, if such a book existed, I would read it!” The next thing is the character takes shape in the person’s mind and the “adventures” of the character start to take form and soon you start writing the book you wished someone would write....
Yamabuki travels from the Taka compound to the capital of Heian-kyo.
As a big fan of Japanese television, I have watched more than a historic drama or two. It is a rather Japanese style to introduce historic dramas by showing the films of historic places as they look today along with artifacts and scrolls. Think Ken Burns and The Civil War, if you are American. The other day I presented a map of the Isle of Unknown Fire, which today is called Kyushu and it the southern-most of Japan’s four main isles....
I found a photograph of the kind of boots that might have been worn by Yamabuki.